Turkish Bath - Tunceli

Turkish Bath - Tunceli
Çemişgezek, Çukur Neighborhood between the years 1701-1702 Hacı Bayramoğlu Hüseyin was built by a person named this structure on the southern front of the front door pediment placed in a rectangular panel inscription in two lines; “Kad benâ hâzihi-l-hammâmi'l-mübâreketi sâhibu'l-hayrat Al Hajj Haji bin Bayram tekabbe'lallâhu hayrâtihi year 1113.” (This holy bathhouse was built in 1113 by Hacı Bayram's son Hüseyin -Allah, who accepted the charity of his charity) It is built on a rectangular plan in the east-west direction and consists of sections of coldness, temperature, warmth and ash. The structure is built with smooth cut stone and brick material. Today, a large part of the body walls under the ground structure, the south entrance door and in the east to the side of the cold side is noticeable to a small extent.