The civilization under the soil is hidden in Cappadocia in a different structure than the other underground cities, the communication between the floors built with long and narrow holes Özkonak Underground City. Just like in Derinkuyu and Kaymaklı underground cities, the air chimneys, the manhole, the water well and the slider blocks covering the entrances to the site are also present in Özkonak Underground City; but these long and narrow holes made for the purpose of communication are only seen in this underground city which is smaller than the others. These holes on the entrance channels of the Özkonak Underground City were used to pour hot oil or arrows to the enemy, and other underground cities did not have such defense measures. This mysterious city opened in 1972, has not yet been cleaned. Although each of the houses in the surrounding villages was said to be connected with the tunnels of this underground city, the tunnels were filled with the lands of the floods.

Özkonak Underground City, which was built on 4 floors, was actually built like an apartment building. The entrance is divided into stables for easy access of animals and carved into the walls to connect the ropes. As you go down to the lower floors, the spaces are divided into 4 large halls, 10 small rooms, some of which are in the cellar and some are used for storage. There are also large family rooms or core family rooms, some of which are couches in the rooms. In order to control the entrances between these floors and the spaces in the floors, 3 slides with their hunting holes were closed.

Although its exact date is not known exactly, it is believed that Özkonak Underground City was built in 400 BC. In terms of location, the tuffy structure of the region, which is quite suitable for carving and shaping, allowed people to settle here and easily shelter in ancient times. The soft tuff layer is transformed into living spaces where the food can be stored from its moisture content, which can harden, maintain its temperature and keep moisture. According to the discourses of the archaeologists, Ozkonak region was the place of local principals in the federations of the Late Hittite period called Tabal. Later, it became the territory of the Roman Empire and the Persians and the Hellenistic period. The Temple of Zeus, rumored to be three thousand members of the Hellenistic period, was here. After the Roman period, the early Christians escaped the oppression of the Byzantines and the intense Arab invasions and settled in the vicinity of Özkonak. Under the leadership of St. Basil, they built a city of their own by carving the rocks. The Greek philosopher Strabon, who is known to be the first geographer of the world, mentions the grave of Nevşehir bishop and the ruins of the old temple in a place called the hill above Avanos on page 538 of Book 12, which is Zeus. The average daily visitor in the summer season of 500 Ozkonak Underground City of Nevsehir to the distance of 35 km. It is located in the east of Özkonak Town of Avanos and is 14 km away from Avanos.

If you are coming with your own car Nevsehir - Avanos road from the direction of Özkonak. If you are going to use public transportation, you can enter the underground city with tour buses from the city center or by car to the town of Özkonak.

If you have a Museum card, you can visit Unlimited for 2 times in a year, plus the Plus Müzekart (Müzekart +).

Visiting Seasons:

April-October (Summer)
08:00 - 19:00

November-March (Winter hours)
Suitable for visiting between 08:00 - 17:00.

T. C. According to Article 10 of the Directive on the principles and procedures to be applied at the entrance to the Museums and Historical Sites determined by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Museum and historical sites are closed until 13:00 on the first day of religious holidays.