Haci Ozan House in Yozgat

Haci Ozan House in Yozgat
Located in Nohutlu Neighborhood, this building consists of a basement, ground floor and a floor. The building, which is still used as a residence by his heirs, is one of the rare examples of the Late Ottoman period in Yozgat. Hacı Ozan House, which is located in a large garden and has two garden gate entrances, one west and one south, has very well preserved and rare ornamental elements although it has changed parts in time. The 1317 date (M.1899-1900) is inscribed on the inscription on the garden gate on the west side. It was built with adobe filling system between wooden frames. There is a balcony in the middle parts of the first and second floor façades. The windows have wooden arches and round arches. There is a pediment on the balcony. The jambs of the entrance door to the basement are made of cut yellow. Balcony with iron railing. Roof eaves are wooden board flooring. Wall surfaces are lime plastered. The upper and lower windows are decorated. The doors are wooden; there are round arches on the door. The roof is tent type; alaturka tile paved. Room ceilings are completely wooden. There is also a wooden cupboard and sherbet in the rooms.